Liposuction-Buttock augmentation

Women and men who are not overweight but have isolated areas of fat that they cannot get rid of through diet and exercise are good candidates for liposuction. Liposuction is not effective for cellulite. Liposuction can be effective on many areas of the body: arms, abdomen, hips, thighs, calves, ankles and under the chin.

But augmentation has amazing results when is combined by liposuction and lipofilling in certain areas of the body (Brazilian Butt Lift/BBL). When the patient has no fat at all, the silicone implants can give a nice shape to the buttocks. 

We will assess the tone and the elasticity of your skin and may ask you how your areas of localized fat were affected by weight loss in the past. Incisions are tiny (usually 1-2cms). Fat is removed by first inserting a small cannula through these incisions in order all the areas to be anesthetized by Tumescenrt technique. There are also new methods developed, using mechanical devices that do not destroy the surrounding tissues (vibro-liposuction) or melt the fat (laser liposuction). The high definition liposuction sculpts the abdomen while removes fat, giving the definition of the 8-pack. 

Unusual complications include bleeding, infection or reaction to anesthesia. Skin numbness is to be expected and is usually only temporary. Irregularities including depressions or wrinkling, can occur and you have to wear compression garments for the first weeks after surgery in order the tissue to "learn" its new shape.

You can usually return to work in just a few days, though you may still have some swelling and bruising which usually subsides within a couple of weeks. It is not uncommon for a touchup to be required later to further improve an area that has been treated.

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