Combining tensors threads with fillers

5/12/2017 12:00:00 πμ

The idea of tensor threads is to retract, lift and tighten up the facial tissues. Fillers recreate volume, especially in the cheekbones. Combining the two potentiates their effects.

I like and use tensor threads but, first and foremost, I am a surgeon who is committed to carrying out all types of lifts, and for many years I have developed different lifting techniques. This article is in no way a rejection of open surgery, a field in which I have complete faith and feel passionately about. However, we must not neglect non or mildly-invasive techniques involving threads and fillers.

The indications are generally the same as for a lift, but threads and fillers tend to be used when the patient categorically refuses to undergo surgery due to a fear of scarring, a fear of the anaesthetic, or a more modest budget, or to delay having a lift or maintain a previous surgical lift.

The teeth on superficial suspension threads tend to pull the skin without separating the skin’s deep layers from the surface of the SMAS (super cial muscular aponeurotic system), to which they are stuck.

There are several different types of tensor thread: toothed threads, barbed threads and coned threads, which are uni or bidirectional.
Depending on which threads are used, downtime can last between two and ten days, but the choice of which thread to use is made according to the indication and not to the downtime required.

Various different threads can be combined for a more thorough result, and volumising llers can also be used.
There are also several types of fillers available, such as hyaluronic acid (with a range of volumising properties adapted to the different areas of the face) and collagen-inducing fillers, which allow the threads to better adhere to the tissues.

Frequently-asked questions:

Is the treatment painful? It depends on the patient’s pain threshold.

Can it be adapted to suit all patients? Yes.

How long do the threads work for? 1 to 3 years, depending on the threads used.

Can the threads break under the skin? No.

Threads rejuvenate the skin and fillers enhance its beauty, so by combining the two we are able to plump up any lost volumes for a rejuvenating and beauty enhancing effect.

From Doctor Cornette de Saint Cyr at

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